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Horse Diarrhoea Supplement, Foal Scours, Bio-Sorb Powder, Sponge
Bio-Sorb® Powder
Oral Gastrointestinal Adsorbent
Supports a healthy gastrointestinal tract in foals and adult horses.
- Australia: To support a healthy gastrointestinal function in foals and adult horses and is formulated for prevention of intestinal dysfunction including mild diarrhoea.
- New Zealand: Antidiarrheal preparation for mild diarrhoea and supports healthy gastrointestinal function in foals and adult horses.
- Can be used in conjunction with ProN8ure® Multi-Strain Probiotic.
Pack sizes: 2kg, 5kg, 10kg
Available: Australia, New Zealand
More Info & Datasheets
Q. What is the best supplement for horses with diarrhea?
A: The active ingredient in Bio-Sorb® (Di-octahedral smectite) supports a healthy gastrointestinal function in foals and adult horses and is formulated for prevention of intestinal dysfunction including mild diarrhoea. For management of a healthy gut, Bio-Sorb can be used in conjunction with ProN8ure® Multi-Strain Probiotic to provide billions of naturally occurring beneficial live bacteria, essential for good intestinal heath. ProN8ure Multi-Strain Probiotic is an aid during periods of intestinal dysfunction in all animals, including treatment and control of scouring or diarrhoea, exclusion and suppression of pathogens.
Q. What supplements help equine diarrhea?
A: Bio-Sorb® is a ready to use, easy dose formula to support healthy gastrointestinal function in foals and adult horses and is formulated for the prevention of intestinal dysfunction including mild diarrhoea. For management of a healthy gut, Bio-Sorb can be used in conjunction with ProN8ure® Multi-Strain Probiotic to provide billions of naturally occurring beneficial live bacteria, essential for good intestinal heath.
Q. Will probiotics help with diarrhea in horses?
A: ProN8ure® Multi-Strain Probiotic can be administered to aid during periods of intestinal dysfunction in all animals, including treatment and control of scouring or diarrhoea and exclusion and suppression of pathogens such as E. coli, Salmonella spp. and Aeromonas spp.