Pron8ure-SFP Bag Horse Probiotic Supplement in 25kg Bag
Pro(N8)ure SFP
Pro(N8)ure SFP
Pro(N8)ure SFP
Pro(N8)ure SFP

Multi-Strain Probiotic

Pro(N8)ure® SFP
Supporting your animals’ natural good bacteria within the gut

Three Bacillus strains were selected for their ability to reduce pathogen load by proliferating beneficial microbes, promoting a healthier gastrointestinal tract.

  • Australian Certified Organic - Certified Allowed Input No.12889 

Pack sizes: 25kg
Available: Australia, New Zealand

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Why an Enzyme?

A: Many plant based feed ingredients contain substrates with Anti-Nutritional Factors (ANF’s) that reduce animal growth. Natuzyme multi-strain enzyme, improves the digestibility of these ANF’s by de-grading fibre, proteins, starch, energy and releasing phosphorous into feed to optimise digestion, maximise feed performance while fully capturing nutritional value in meat, egg or milk production.

Q. Why a Prebiotic?

A: Prebiotics are food ingredients that reach the large intestine unaffected by the digestive process and feed the natural good bacteria within the gut helping them to grow and flourish. Prebiotics particularly resistant starch, lowers the pH, reduces ammonia, phenols and other potentially harmful compounds and helps to keep the digestive tract healthy.

Q. Why a Probiotic?

A: Probiotics are live microbials which benefit the host animal by improving the intestinal microbial balance essential for a healthy digestive tract. Everyday use helps maintain a balanced digestive system, optimising digestion of feed and enhancing your animal’s health, naturally. These microbes are safe, non-toxic and residue free.

Pro(N8)ure® SFP

Active constituents: Each kilogram contains 2.4 x 10^11 cfu as Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus amyloliquefaciens and Bacillus licheniformis.


Pro(N8)ure® SFP

Pro(N8)ure - SFP: Supporting your animals’ natural good bacteria within the gut by lowering the pH, reducing ammonia, phenols and other potentially harmful compounds.