250ml Cue Injection Pack for treatment of copper deficiency
250ml Cue Injection Bottle upside down for treatment of copper deficiency
250ml Cue Injection Bottle upside down, red applicator for treatment of copper deficiency
CUE Injection
250ml Cue Injection Pack for treatment of copper deficiency 250ml Cue Injection Bottle upside down for treatment of copper deficiency 250ml Cue Injection Bottle upside down, red applicator for treatment of copper deficiency
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The information contained within this area is intended for use:

  1. By a Qualified Veterinarian
  2. Those under instruction of said Veterinarian
  3. A holder of Scheduled Authority of a Restricted Veterinary Medicine

CUE® Injection

For the treatment and prevention of copper deficiency
  • AUSTRALIAN PACKS AVAILABLE NOW - Contact us: www.iahp.com.au/contact-iahp
  • Australia: For the treatment and prevention of copper deficiency in cattle.
  • New Zealand: For the treatment and prevention of copper deficiency in cattle, sheep and deer
  • CONTRAINDICATIONS: Not to be used concurrently with any other form of copper supplementation, or administered at the same time as any other treatment eg. drenching, vaccination.  Do not administer to animals that are suffering from liver disease or fascioliasis, or have been grazing on plants that may cause liver disease.

Pack sizes: 250ml
Available: Australia, New Zealand

More Info & Datasheets
Info, Specs & Datasheets

CUE® Injection

Active constituents:

Each mL contains: Copper (as Calcium Copper Edetate) 50 mg

(Australia) For the treatment and prevention of copper deficiency in cattle. (New Zealand) For the treatment and prevention of copper deficiency in cattle, sheep and deer. Seek veterinary advice prior to treating a second time.


Cue for Cattle

Cue Injection covers cows for copper