Vitamin, Mineral Supplement - High Milk Production
Dairy Aid™
Concentrated dustless vitamins & minerals
Concentrated dustless vitamins & minerals for high milk producing dairy cows, goats and sheep
- Concentrated formulation containing all essential trace-minerals with high level of zinc, and fat soluble vitamins A, D3, and E for lactating cows, goats and sheep
- May be fed continuously before and during lactation
- COWS: 5.0 g/head/day
- GOATS: 0.5 g/head/day
- SHEEP: 0.5 g/head/day
Pack sizes: 25kg
Available: Australia
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Dairy Aid™
A concentrated formulation containing all essential trace-minerals with high level of zinc, and fat soluble vitamins A, D3, and E for lactating cows, goats and sheep. Feed additives maybe added (conditions apply) including Flaveco, Moneco, ProN8ure, Toxibind and Tyleco specific data sheets are available.